What to Do When Your Insurance Company Denies Your Homeowner's insurance Claim

Denied Claim? We can help.

If your homeowner's insurance claim has been denied, it can be stressful and frustrating. However, there are steps you can take to appeal the decision and get the coverage you deserve. Here are some tips to consider:


  1. Review your policy: Take the time to carefully review your homeowner's insurance policy, including the coverage limits, exclusions, and any other details that may have affected your claim.

  2. Understand the reason for the denial: Contact your insurance company and ask for an explanation of why your homeowner's insurance claim was denied. Be sure to understand their reasoning and ask for any supporting documentation.

  3. Gather evidence: If you believe your homeowner's insurance claim was denied unfairly, gather any evidence that supports your case. This may include photos, repair estimates, or witness statements.

  4. Talk to the Desk Adjuster: If you believe your homeowner's insurance claim was wrongly denied, you can communicate your concerns with your insurance company. Work with your desk adjuster to provide all necessary documentation and make a strong case for why your claim should be approved.

  5. Consider hiring a public adjuster: If you're having difficulty with the appealing the insurance company, the process at large or negotiating a settlement, consider hiring a public adjuster to help you. They can work on your behalf to negotiate with your insurance company and help you get the settlement you deserve.

  6. Seek legal advice: If all else fails, you may need to seek legal advice from an attorney who specializes in homeowner's insurance law. They can help you understand your rights and explore your options for legal action against your insurance company.

Dealing with a denied homeowner's insurance claim can be frustrating, but it's important to take action to protect your rights and ensure that you receive the coverage you're entitled to under your policy.

We, at VIP Adjusting, deal with denied claims all the time. We are able to overturn denials by presenting evidence and data in an appropriate and detailed manner that the insurance company hadn’t considered or was unaware of from their field adjuster. If the insurance company stands on their denial, then we have set up the claim in an organized and detailed manner for an attorney to take over for legal pursuit.

When your claim is denied, and you have exhausted your resources, contact a public adjuster to help you handle the insurance claim. They are professionals that adjust claims daily. Trust in them and the process.


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Citizens Property Insurance Corporation - Managed Repair Program